We extend our sincere appreciation to numerous colleagues, worldwide, for their invaluable assistance and cooperation over the years when compiling the original nomenclator N.O. (Reynolds and Cook, 1976), its three supplements (Reynolds and Cook, 1981 (N.O.S.P.), 1989 (N.O.S.S.), and 1993 (N.O.S.T.), and during the preparation of this Second Edition of Nomenclatura Oligochaetologica – N.O.2. First and foremost, we thank Dr. Ralph O. Brinkhurst (Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada, now retired), Dr. Tarmo Timm (Estonian Institute of Life Sciences, Centre for Limnology, Rannu, Tartumaa, Estonia), and Dr. David G. Cook (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) for their assistance, guidance, counsel, and support on countless occasions, and most especially for their humble and unselfish dedication to all who are interested in oligochaetes – each for over 50 years.
We acknowledge Drs. Marcel B. Bouché and Jiang-Ping Qui, Laboratoire de zooécologie du sol (Montpellier, France) and Drs. Hong-zhu Wang, Yan-Ling Liang†, Yong de Qui, and Zhicai Xie, State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan, Hubei Province, China), for their extensive commitment of time when assisting us in the location of lost types and the forwarding of obscure but pertinent information associated with type material, specimen repositories, and the primary literature.
We are most grateful to many other colleagues who have provided assistance over the years with the accounts and other information presented herein: Dr. Ainara Achurra, Universidad del Páis Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Bilbao, España); Todd Askegaard, Aquatic Resources Center, Tennessee (USA); Prof. Thai Tran Bai, Hanoi Pedagogical Institute (Vietnam); Dra. Aline Staskowian Benetti, Laboratório de Invertebrados Marinhos, Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Ipiranga, São Paulo/SP (Brazil); Dr. Robert J. Blakemore, Yokohama and C/- Lake Biwa Museum Shiga-ken (Japan); Dr. Sonia Borges, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (Puerto Rico); Dr. George G. Brown, Pesquisador Ecologia do SoloEmbrapa Florestas Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) (Brasil); Dr. Bent Christiansen, Zoological Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark); Drs. Chin-Han Chang and Jiun-Hong Chen, National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China); Dr. Kathryn A. Coates, [formerly] Bermuda Zoological Society and Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo (Flatts, Bermuda); Dr. Rut Collado de la Peña†, Universidade da Coruña (A Coruña, España); Yongde Cui (Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China); Dr. Sammy De Grave, Oxford University (Oxford, UK); Dr. Elƶbieta Dumnicka, Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences (Kraków, Poland); Dr. Dario J. Diaz Cosín, Universidade Complutense de Madrid (España); Dr. Michel Creuzé des Châtelliers, Université de Lyon, Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés, Ecologie, Evolution, Ecosystèmes Souterrains (Villeurbanne Cedex, France); Drs. Csaba Csuzdi and Klára Dózsa-Farkas, Tiersystematischen Institut de Loránd-Eötvös-Universität (Budapest, Magyar); Dr. Christer Erséus, Göteborg University (Göteborg, Sverige); Prof. Xiao-yi Feng, Lanzhou Medical College, (Gansu, Peoples’ Republic of China); Steven V. Fend, U.S. Geological Survey (Menlo Park, California, USA); Dr. Carlos Fragoso, Instituto de Ecologia, A.C. (Xalapa, Veracruz, México); Prof. Narcisse Giani, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France); Dr. Olav Giere, Zoologisches Museum, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Deutschland); Dr. Sammy De Grave, Oxford University (U.K.); Dr. Lena Gustavsson, Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm, Sverige); Dr. Walter J. Harman†, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA); Dr. Ton van Harren, Eurofin (The Netherlands); Dr. Brenda M. Healy†, University College (Dublin, Ireland); Mr. Yong Hong, Chonbuk National University (Jeonju, Korea); Dr. Samuel W. James, Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, USA); Dr. Barrie G. M. Jamieson (University of Brisbane, Australia); Dr. Jatinder M. Julka, Zoological Survey of India (Solan); Dr. R. Deedee Kathman (Tennessee, USA); Dr. Donald J. Klemm† (U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA); Dr. Yan-Ling Liang† (State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan, Hubei Province, China); Prof. Zhi-gang Ma, Lanzhou Medical College, (Gansu, Peoples’ Republic of China); Dr. Patrick Martin, Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Taxonomy and Phylogeny (Bruxelles, Belgique); Dr. Enrique Martinez-Ansemil, Universidade da Coruña (España); Dr. Donald F. McAlpine, New Brunswick Museum (Saint John, NB, Canada); Dr. Konstantinos Michalis, Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki (Greece); Dr. Göran Milbrink (Sweden); Michael R. Milligan† (Sarasota, Florida, USA); Dr. Ibrahim Mete Mısırlıoğlu† Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Biology (Eskisehir, Turkey); Dr. Catalina C. de Mischis, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); Dr. Ana G. Moreno, Universidade Complutense de Madrid (España); Peggy Morgan, Pinellas County Dept. of Environment & Infrastructure Bioassessment Program (Clearwater, FL USA); William Moser, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC, USA); Dr. Akifumi Ohtaka, Hirosaki University (Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan); Prof. Stephen O. Owa, Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile-Ife, Nigeria); Dr. Tomas Pavlíček, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel); Adrian M. Pinder, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Kensington, Western Australia); Dr. Jadwiga D. Plisko, Natal Museum (Pietermaritzburg, Sud-Afrika); Dr. Victor Pop, Jr., Biological Research Centre, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Will K. Reeves, Colorado State University, C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA); Dr. Adrain J. Reinecke {formerly of} the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa); Wilma M. Reynolds, Oligochaetology Lab (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada); Dr. Pilar Rodriguez, Universidad del Páis Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Bilbao, España); Dr. Jörg Römbke, ECT Oekotoxikologie GmBH (Florsheim, Deutschland); Dr. Emilia Rota, Universitá di Siena (Siena, Italia); Dr. Beatrice M. Sambugar†, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona (Verona, Italia); Dr. Jana Schenková, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic); Dr. Jiří Schlaghamerský, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic); Dr. Rüdiger M. Schmelz, ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH (Flörsheim, Deutschland), and Universidad de A Coruña (A Coruña, España); Prof. Ademola O. Segun, Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile-Ife, Nigeria); Dr. Viktor P. Semernoy, Yaroslavl Demidov State University (Yaroslavl, Russia); Dr. Huei-Ping Shen, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (Nanton, Taiwan, Republic of China); Dr. Boris Sket, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Prof. Lyudmila N. Snimschikova, Limnological Institute Siberian Division (Irkutsk, Russia); Prof. Ferdinand Šporka, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia); Dr. Steven J. Taylor (Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois USA); Dr. Tomi Trilar, Head of Invertebrate Department, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana (Slovenia); Dr. Evagelia (Lia) Vavoulidou, Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Demeter (Athens, Marousi, Greece); Dr. Piet F.M. Verdonschot, Alterra (Wageningen, The Netherlands); Haijun Wang and Hongzhu Wang (Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China); Ms Linda K. Ward, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC, USA); Dr. John Wilson, Stellenbosch University (South Africa); and Dr. András Zicsi†, Tiersystematischen Institut de Loránd-Eötvös-Universität (Budapest, Magyar). We also extend our thanks to the members of the Society for Freshwater Science {formerly the Midwest Benthological Society (1953-1975), then the North American Benthological Society (1975-2011)}, the Florida Association of Aquatic Biologists, the International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaete Biology group, and our colleagues who have provided us with specimens of and distributional records for oligochaetes worldwide. We encourage you to also visit the Dedicatio page, where we honor those who have historically set the stage for our systematic research, and also those of our contemporaries who have passed away in recent years.
We thank former Illinois Natural History Survey libararians Doris Dodds, Doris Sublette†, Beth Wohlgemuth, JoAnn Jacoby†, Elizabeth Day, and Jessica Beverly, former Prairie Research Institute Librarian Susan Braxton, and the professional staff of the main and departmental libraries of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign for their extensive assistance during our accession of primary literature in which original descriptions were published. We extend our appreciation to Kristi L. Moss (INHS) for assistance with account entry and verification, and to Laura Sass, Brandon Flowers, Dr. Phil Anders, and Dr. Andrew Miller (INHS) for their encouragement and assistance when initially designing the earlier versions of website (served via Concrete 5 CMS), and guidance with the technical challenges inherent with web design and management softwares. During 2021, Jennifer Davis, and Eileen Deremiah (PRI Web Team) were instrumental in assisting me with the migration of this and other websites managed by MJW to the Publish Illinois Edu (PIE) / WordPress content management interface.
We extend our appreciation to Dave Nicolson (Data Development Coordinator, Integrated Taxonomic Information System) for his invaluable assistance in correcting errata within N.O.2 that were inadvertently carried over from the original N.O. series. While vetting the datasets compiled by Wetzel (microdrile oligochaetes) and S.W. James (megadrile oligochaetes) for ITIS, Dave has also discovered original descriptions of genera, subgenera, and species that provide the opportunity to correct and complete accounts included in N.O.2.
We also thank our colleagues who have informed us of incomplete records as well as mis-scans and typographical errors introduced by Wetzel and Reynolds during the compilation of this on-line second edition. Please continue to send us incorrect and incomplete accounts along with your recommended corrections, including citations for publications in which the correct information has been published.
Partial funding and direct support for this Second Edition of Nomenclatura Oligochaetologica was provided by the Oligochaetology Laboratory, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) and Prairie Research Institute (PRI) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. Additional direct and indirect support (non-monetary / in-kind contributions) have been provided by professional societies with which we are affiliated and numerous private as well as public organizations, agencies, companies, and institutions who have underwritten our research with oligochaetes and other annelid groups. We also thank our scientific colleagues, friends, family members, citizen scientists, and the lay public for sharing specimens with us, and for their interest in contributing to the study of annelids and other aquatic and terrestrial fauna [you are encouraged to visit the Acknowledgements section of the INHS Annelida Collection highlighting additional support of our annelid research projects and content presented in this and other websites focused on the Annelida].
— Translations —
We are indebted to our colleagues who have kindly provided translations for the Prolegomena and Glossarium included in this web-based second edition –
Dr. Jean-Marc Gagnon (Musée canadien de la nature, C.P. 3443, Succ. D, Ottawa, ON Canada K1P 6P4) – French;
Dr. Michel Creuzé des Châtelliers (Université Lyon 1, Université de Lyon UMR CNRS 5023 Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés, Ecologie, Evolution, Ecosystèmes Souterrains (E3S), Bât. Forel, 6, rue Raphaël Dubois Villeurbanne Cedex_France) – French;
Dr. Rüdiger M. Schmelz (ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Böttgerstr. 2-14, 65439 Flörsheim, Germany; Universidad de A Coruña, Fac. Ciencias, Dep. Biología Animal, Biol. Vexetal e Ecoloxía, Rua da
Fraga 8, 15008 A Coruña, Spanien; Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift Zootaxa im Bereich Oligochaeta) – German;
Dr. George G. Brown (Pesquisador em Ecologia do Solo, Embrapa Florestas, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Embrapa, Colombo/PR, Brazil) – Portuguese;
Dr. Tarmo Timm (Estonian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Limnology, Rannu, Tartumaa, Estonia) – Russian;
Dr. Haijun Wang (Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China) – simplified (Mandarin) Chinese and traditional Chinese;
Dr. Emilia Rota (Universitá di Siena, Siena, Italia) – Italian;
Dra. Catalina C. de Mischis (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) – Spanish;
Dr. Carlos Fragoso (Instituto de Ecologia, A.C. (Xalapa, Veracruz, México) – Spanish;
Dr. Akifumi Ohtaka (Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan) – Japanese;
Dr. Evagelia (Lia) Vavoulidou (Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Demeter, Marousi City, Athens, Greece) – Greek;
Drs. Aja and Jaya Manazhy (Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, India) – Malayalam.
We invite colleagues working with oligochaetes elsewhere in the world to provide translations in their native languages for the
Prolegomena and Glossarium for inclusion on this website.