Links to other Annelid Resources

Here we include links to other websites presenting a variety of annelid resources.

WoRMS – World List of Marine Species

This extensive site provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms (and, more recently, has been expanded to   to also include freshwater taxa), including information on synonymy. While the highest priority goes to valid names, other names in use are included so that this register can serve as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature. [read more about WoRMS, HERE].

Usage of data from WoRMS in scientific publications should be acknowledged by citing as follows:

WoRMS Editorial Board (2025). World Register of Marine Species. Available from at VLIZ. Accessed {year-month-day}. “

The Potworms (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) of North America – A Bibliography
by Jiří Schlaghamerský and Mark J. Wetzel

MEETINGS and SYMPOSIA with annelids as a primary focus

14th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (ISAO14) convened in Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan,
9-14 September 2018; the
symposium proceedings were published 17 February 2020, in Zoosymposia, Volume 17.

15th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (ISAO15)  (postponed from September 2021 due to the pandemic)
convened at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) in Brussels, Belgium,
20–24 September 2022, hosted
by Dr. Patrick Martin.  The symposium proceedings are currently being compiled, and will be published later in 2023 in Zoosymposia.

16th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta (ISAO16)  will tentatively convene at the Balaton Limnological Research Institute on Lake Balaton, Tihany, west-central Hungary, in September 202hosted by Dr. Lazlo Molnar.

Preliminary information is presented on a symposium website, HERE.  

Other meetings and symposia of interest to aquatic scientists

Megadrilogica – the journal

Bibliographic compilations (aquatic oligochaetes and other annelids)
Note: the above website is nonfunctional; information currently being transferred to a new site.

Please also visit the ‘Resources‘ link from the navigator bar at the top of the INHS Annelida Collection website for
links to additional annelid resources.

[ page update: 2020-IV-04; 07dec2021; 14jan2022; 12jan2023; 02Jan2025; mjw^^ ]

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