[ page update: 2021: III-30; VIII-20^^; 2022: II-18,21 III-25, VI-12; 2023: II-19, III-5; 2024-III-09; IV-15, V-02, 19,20; VIII-24; IX-11; mjw ]
gabiae, Marionina Healy et Coates, 1997; Proc. 6th Intl. Mar. Biol. Wksp., p. 85; NTMD [as NTM]
Wo0101–Wo0107, ROMT [as ROMIZ] 13249–13251, 13296–13300. ^
gabretae, Stylodrilus Vejdovský, 1883; SB Böhm. Ges., p. 225; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 105]
gabriellae, Eiseniona Omodeo, 1984; Rev. Écol. Biol. Sol 21(1): 118; MSNV. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gabriellae, Peloscolex Er. Marcus, 1950; Comun. Zool. Mus. Hist. Nat. 3(59): 1; EMOC A56-7. [N.O., p. 105]
gabunensis, Dichogaster Michaelsen, 1915; Ergeb. 2te D. Zent. Afr. Exped. (Zool.) 1(8): 198; ZMUH 7677.
[N.O., p. 105]
gafaensis, Dichogaster Michaelsen, 1903; Zool. Jb. Syst. 18: 134; ZMUH 6282. [N.O., p. 105]
gaga, Eisenia Blakemore et Park, 2012; Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 28(4): 297; NIBR IV IV0000245509,
NIBR IV0000245510–IV0000245517.
gageodo, Amynthas Blakemore, 2012; Zootaxa 3368: 256; NIBR IV0000245037; IV0000245038–
gagzoi, Dichogaster Michaelsen, 1908; Zool. Jb. Suppl. 11: 17; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 105]
galarzai, Tubificoides Giani et P. Rodriquez, 1988; Troglodrilus; Stygologia 4(2): 128; typus in
auctoris collectione. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
galba, Enchytraeus Hoffmeister, 1843; Fridericia, Neoenchytraeus; Arch. Naturg. 9(1): 194; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 105]
galbina, Grania De Wit et Erséus, 2007; Zootaxa 1426: 36; NHRS [as SMNH] type coll. 6573, 6574–6582.
galei, Megascolex Michaelsen, 1907; Fauna Südwest-Aust. 1(2): 223; WAMP 4392, ZMUH 7071,
MNHU 4246. [N.O., p. 105]; MNHU 4246 (syntypus perditus). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
galelensis ss. Perichaeta halmaherae Michaelsen, 1896; Pheretima, Amynthas; Abh. Senckenb.
Ges. 23: 221; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 105]
galeritus, Limnodrilus Friend, 1912; J. Roy. Micros. Soc., 1912, p. 278. [N.O., p. 105]
galiciensis, Tubificoides Martínez-Ansemil et Giani, 1987; Vie Milieu 37(1): 53; typus in auctoris collectione.
[N.O.S.S., p. 17]
galileana, Perelia Csuzdi et Pavlíček, 2005; Acta Zool. Hung. 51(2): 81; HMNH 1486, 12228, 12412, 12957,
14040, 14136, 14724.
galinae, Vejdovskyella Semernoy, 1994; Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., No. 43, p. 140; ZIAS 43338.
galla, Teleudrilus Michaelsen, 1903; Zool. Jb. Syst. 18: 542; ZMUH 6257. [N.O., p. 105]
gallica, Hormogaster Rota, 1994; J. Nat. Hist. 28: 31; MCZR 0003–04.
gallissiani var. Scherotheca gigas rhodani Bouché, 1972; Inst. Nat. Rech. Agron., p. 286; nom. nov. pro:
Eophila dolfusi Boulot et Gallissian, 1961; OECO 42-1039-0674. [N.O., p. 105]
galloprovincialis, Dendrobaena Bartoli, 1962; Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 87: 438. [N.O., p. 105]
gallurae var. Eiseniona gabriellae Omodeo, 1984; Rev. Écol. Biol. Sol 21(1): 120; MSNV. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gallurensis ss. Dendrobaena cognetti Rota, 1992; Soil Biol. Biochem. 24(12): 1383; typi designati sed
gambaensis, Dichogaster James et Divina, 2012; Zootaxa 3458: 140; USNM 1142290, 1142291.
gambiana, Benhamia Beddard, 1902; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1910, p. 210; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 105]
gammii, Typhaeus Beddard, 1888; Eutyphoeus; Quart. J. Micros. Sci. (n.s.) 29: 111; corr. gammiei;
BMNH 1904:10:5:263. [N.O., p. 105]
gamotheca ss. Fridericia gamotheca Issel, 1905; [account incomplete; need to access the publication in
which this description was presented:Issel, R. 1905. Un enchytraeide ad ampolla spermatecale unica.
Atti della Societa dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena 7: 77–79.]
gamothecae, Fridericia Issel, 1906; Atti Soc. Nat. Modena 38: 77. [N.O., p. 105]
gamsungi ss. Perichaeta halmaherae Michaelsen, 1896; Pheretima, Amynthas; Abh. Senckenb.
Ges. 23: 218; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 105]
ganeshae, Octochaetus Stephenson, 1920; Mem. Ind. Mus. 7: 238; ZSIC 262, BMNH 1933:5:25:914–5.
[N.O., p. 105]
gangeticus, Glyphidrilus Gates, 1958; Rec. Ind. Mus. 53: 58; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 105]
ganglbaueri, Allolobophora Rosa, 1894; Dendrobaena; Boll. Mus. Torino 9(170): 1; MZUT 488. [N.O., p. 105]
ganini, Drawida Yf. Zhang et Wu, 2021; J. Asia-Pacific Biodivers. 2021.03.006; Holotype:
HKLL coll. No. 2017C-HLJ-001; paratypes: HKKL coll. No. 2017C-HLJ-002, No. 2017C-HLJ-003,
No. 2017C-HLJ-004, No. 2017C-HLJ-005); ZooBank.^
ganjiensis ss. Eisenia grandis Kvavadze, 1985; Earthworms Caucasus, p.?; typus non designatus.
[N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gara, Martiodrilus Righi, 1996; Stud. Trop. Andean Ecosystems 4(16): 525; ICNB An022, RHNL 21065, 20107.
garama, Pheretima Gates, 1958; Metapheretima; Amer. Mus. Nov., no. 1888, p. 8; AMNH 3569.
[N.O., p. 105]; paratypus translatus ad USNM 136906. [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
garbei, Rhinodrilus Michaelsen, 1925; Kerriona; Zool. Jb. Syst. 51: 274; DZSP 46, 145, ZMUH 9684, 9797.
[N.O., p. 105]
garciai, Dichogaster James, 2004; Orgs. Divers. Evol. 4: 283; KNHM [as KUNHM] 001917, 001918, 001919,
gardullaensis, Dichogaster Michaelsen, 1903; Zool. Jb. Syst. 18: 454; MNHU 4129. [N.O., p. 105]
gardullaensis, Malodrilus Michaelsen, 1903; Zool. Jb. Syst. 18: 475; MNHU 4137. [N.O., p. 105]
garilarsoni, Anisochaeta Blakemore, 2000; Rec. Aust. Mus. 51(1): 23; AMSS W 24487, -41–2,
ANIC RB.98.2.50–1.
garloughi, Plutellus F. Smith, 1937; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 84(3009): 175; USNM 20249. [N.O., p. 105]
garmani, Kerria Rosa, 1895; Eukerria; Boll. Mus. Torino 10: 2; MZUT 111. [N.O., p. 105]
garrawayi, Dichogaster James, 2004; Orgs. Divers. Evol. 4: 291; KUNH 001935–001937.
gasanai, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) Csuzdi, 2008; J. Nat. Hist. 42(33-34): 2231; BMNH 1997:1561,
1997:1562, 1997:1618–1629, 1997:1607–1616, 1997:1574–1582, 1997:1479–1484, HNHM AF/3564,
AF/3561, AF/3550, AF/3551, AF/3557.
gasparoi, Rhyacodrilus Martínez-Ansemil, Samburgar et Giani, 1997; Annls. Limnol. 33(1): 37; MTSN OLI 4
[no paratypes].
gastrizusa, Pheretima Michaelsen, 1928; Amynthas; Treubia 10: 292; ZMUH 10509. [N.O., p. 105]
gastrochaetus, Haplotaxis Yamaguchi, 1953; J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 11: 304. [N.O., p. 105]
gatesi, Atatina Righi, Ayres et Bittencourt, 1978; Acta Amaz., Suppl. 1, 8(3): 13; INPA INPAZ-71.
[N.O.S.P., p. 21]
gatesi, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) Csuzdi, 1997; Opusc. Zool. Budapest 29-30: 42;
BMNH 1995:05:12.543–4.
gatesi, Diplocardia Murchie, 1965; Ohio J. Sci. 65(4): 208; USNM 30994, 41933. [N.O., p. 105]
gatesi, Ethnodrilus Bouché, 1972; Inst. Nat. Rech. Agron., p. 226; OECO 23-609-3511. [N.O., p. 105]
gatesi, Estherella Borges et Moreno, 1989; Boll. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. 7(2): 390; DBPR E.G. 0001–9.
[N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gatesi, Glyphidrilus Shen et Yeo, 2005; Raffles Bull. Zool. 53(1): 16; NHMS nunc RMBR ZRC 1974.12.2.51,
gatesi, Konkadrilus Julka, Blanchart et Chapuis-Lardy, 2004; Zootaxa 486: 19; ZSIS [as HAZFS/ZSI] An804,
gatesi, Kotegeharia Julka, 1988; Fauna India Mega. Oligo., p. 240; ZSIC 1829-30, ZSIS 738. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gatesi, Polypheretima Easton, 1979; Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.) 35(1): 44; BMNH 1976:3:184–5;
(=? Pheretima panarana Gates, 1948, non Michaelsen, 1938). [N.O.S.P., p. 21]
gatesi, Satchellius Qiu et Bouché, 1998; Doc. Pédozool. Intégrol. 4(14): 160; OECO 183/2739/3215.
gatesi, Sparganophilus Reynolds, 1980; Megadrilogica 3(12): 194; typus perditus. [N.O.S.P., p. 21]
gaucheri, Martiodrilus (Maipure) Csuzdi et Pavlicek, 2011; Zootaxa 3099: 61; Holotype: HNHM AF/5381; paratype: HNHM AF/5380.^
gaudens, Mesenchytraeus Cognetti, 1903; Boll. Mus. Torino 18(453): 3. [N.O., p. 105]
gavarnicus, Helodrilus Cognetti, 1904; Orodrilus; Boll. Mus. Torino 19(476): 5; MZUT 781. [N.O., p. 105]
gavini, Begemius Easton, 1982; Aust. J. Zool. 30(4): 717; QMBA GH. 197-8, BMNH 1980:46:1–8.
[N.O.S.S., p. 17]
gavrilovi, Allolobophora Černosvitov, 1942; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (B), 111: 226; BMNH 1942:12:17:98.
[N.O., p. 105]
gavrilovi, Chaetogaster Semernoy, 1985; Biakalian Fauna, Novosibirsk 1: 28; ZIAS 43367. [N.O.S.S., p. 17]
gavrilovi, Neogaster Righi et Caballero, 1970; Rev. Brasil Biol. 30: 94; DZSP 100. [N.O., p. 105]
gayndahensis, Digaster Spencer, 1902; Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. 13: 67; NMVA 99, 1449. [N.O., p. 105]
geayi, Andioscolex Černosvitov, 1034; Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. (2), 6: 58; MNHN, BMNH 1949:3:1:1244.
[N.O., p. 105]
geayi var. Thamnodrilus tenkatei Černosvitov, 1934; Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. (2),6: 53;
BMNH 1949:3:1:1221–2, MNHN. [N.O., p. 105]
geevestoni, Notoscolex Blakemore, 2000; Tasmanian Earthworms, p. 327; QVMA 14: 1720, 3713, 0426.
gei, Tupidrilus Righi, 1974; Pap. Avul. Zool. 28(7): 127; DZSP 267. [N.O., p. 105]
gelidus, Mesenchytraeus Welch, 1917; Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 35: 86; USNM 16821, 25497, 30865.
[N.O., p. 106]
gelidus, Torodrilus Erséus et Rota, 1996; Polar Biol. 16: 492; NHRS [as SMNH] Type Coll. 4744, 4745–4748,
gemella, Pheretima Gates, 1931; Metaphire; Rec. Ind. Mus. 35: 379; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106].
gemikensis, Rhyacodrilus Giani et P. Rodriquez, 1988; Stygologia 4(2): 122; typus in auctoris collectione.
[N.O.S.T., p. 15]
geminata var. Allolobophora constricta Friend, 1897; Zoologist 1: 549. [N.O., p. 106]
geminatus, Guineoscolex Csuzdi, Guei et Tondoh, 2009; Zootaxa 2141: 61; HNHM AF/5350,
geminatus, Plutellus Gates, 1961; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (13), 4: 418; TTRS 1572, JWRC 3440. [N.O., p. 106];
typus translatus ad NMNS 1978-262. [N.O.S.P., p. 31]; syntypi translati ad USNM 124770. [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
geminus, Ainudrilus Erséus, 1990; Zool. Scripta 19(3): 247; USNM 127646–58. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gemmata, Achaeta Schmelz, Jj. Chen et Józefowska, 2024; Zootaxa 5437 (1): 6; Holotype: CEPUJ: CEP-DZ-149414-N (with DNA sequences COI PP079496, ITS PP084618); Paratypes: CEPUJ: CEP-DZ-149415-N (with DNA sequence ITS PP084619); CEPUJ: CEP-DZ-149416-N to CEP-DZ-149430-N (n=15); plus 33 specimens in auctoris (Schmelz) collectione; ZooBank.^
gemmatus, Archienchytraeus Eisen, 1878; Öfv. Akad. Förh. 35: 71; NHRS [as SMNH] 41. [N.O., p. 106]
geniculatus, Phallodrilus Erséus, 1981; Zool. Scripta 10 (1): 18; QMBA 12552-63. [N.O.S.S., p. 17]
genitalisetifera, Insulodrilus Martin et Brinkhurst, 1994; Arch. Hydrobiol. 130(2): 250; IRSN 27828.
gentilinus, Tubifex Dugès, 1837; Ann. Sci. Nat. 8: 32; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]
genitosetosus, Thinodrilus Holmquist, 1976; Zool. Jb. Syst. 103: 398; NHRS [as SMNH] 36/70a.
[N.O.S.P., p. 21]
geojeinsulae, Pheretima Song et Paik, 1970; Korean J. Zool. 13: 103; KNUK. [N.O., p. 106]
geomunensis, Amynthas Y. Hong et James, 2001; Rev. Suisse Zool. 108(1): 82; KIBIO – holotypus et
4 paratypi designati sed innumerati.
georgei, Eutrigaster Sherlock et Csuzdi, 2013; J.Nat. Hist. 47(29-30): 1915; BMNH [as NHMUK] 2012.64,
2012.65–71, HNHM AF/5558–5559.
georgei, Graliophilus Jamieson, 1971; J. Zool. Lond. 165: 471; WAMP 30-70. [N.O., p. 106]
georgei, Phallodrilus Erséus, 1987; J. Nat. Hist. 21(4): 920; BMNH 1986:5:1–5. [N.O.S.S., pp. 17-18]
georgianus, Acanthodrilus Michaelsen, 1888; Mandane, Notiodrilus, Microscolex; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 6: 68;
MZUT 2, MNHU 1912. [N.O., p. 106]
georgianus, Pachydrilus Michaelsen, 1888; Marionina, Marionia;, Christensenia; Christensenidrilus; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 6: 65; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]; typus locatus in BMNH 1904:10:5:544. [N.O.S.P., p. 31]; syntypi locati MNHU 1910. [N.O.S.T., p. 24]; vide Klinth, Rota, Martinsson, Prantoni et Erséus (2021): Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 20: 1–31.^
georgiensis, Lumbricillus Tynen, 1969; Can. J. Zool. 47: 390; NMNS 3405-6. [N.O., p. 106]; typus translatus
ad NMNS 1900.2865. [N.O.S.S., p. 29]
georgii, Allolobophora Michaelsen, 1890; Mitt. Mus. Hamb, 7:3; ZMUH 13000. [N.O., p. 106]
gerardoi, Eiseniona Díaz Cosín, 2014; ZooKeys 399: 77; UCMLT 60000, 60001–18; ZooBank;
http://species-id.net/wiki/Eiseniona_gerardoi ^
germanicus, Pachydrilus Michaelsen, 1886: Archienchytraeus, Lumbricillus; Enchytreaus Möbii, p. 43;
typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]
gernikensis, Rhyacodrilus Giani et P. Rodriquez, 1988; Stygologia 4(2): 122; typus in auctoris collectione.
[N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gertae, Aeolosoma Er. Marcus, 1944; Bol. Fac. Filos. Ciên. Let. Univ. S. Paulo (Zool.) 8: 18; EMOC A51-A55.
[N.O., p. 106]
gestae, Aeolosoma Dioni, 1961; Acta Trab. Primer Congr. Sudam. Zool. 2: 110; lapsus calami pro: A. gertae
Er. Marcus, 1944. [N.O., p. 106]
gestri, Dichogaster Cognetti, 1910; Ann. Mus. Genova (3),4: 96. [N.O., p. 106]
gestrii, Eophila Cognetti, 1906; Helodrilus; Ann. Mus. Genova (2), 42: 114; MGDG 44044. [N.O., p. 106]
gestroi, Helodrilus Ude, 1905; Z. wiss. Zool. 83: 497; MZUT 784. [N.O., p. 106]
gestroides, Allolobophora Zicsi, 1970; Alpodinaridella; Allolobophora; Cernosvitovia; Opusc. Zool. Budapest 10(2): 365; TlUB A-34, 4810. [N.O., p. 106]; vide Popović et al. 2022: Zootaxa 5116(3): 351–172.^
getica var. Allolobophora dugesi Pop, 1947; Anal. Acad. Repub. Popul. Romane (Sti. Geol. Geogr. Biol.) (A),
1(9): 60; MZCR. [N.O., p. 106]
ghabbouri, Chuniodrilus Jamieson, 1969; J. Nat. Hist. 3: 46; BMNH 1967:9:1-35.8. [N.O., p. 106]
ghanensis, Aulophorus Hrabě, 1966; Publ. Fak. Sci. Univ. Brno, no. 477, p. 378; HOCB 1754-11-1.
[N.O., p. 106]
ghanensis, Millsonia Sims, 1965; Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.) 12: 293; BMNH 1964:2:26. [N.O., p. 106]
ghanensis var. Allonais paraguayensis Hrabě, 1966; Publ. Fak. Sci. Purkyné Univ., no. 477, p. 384;
HOCB 1754-5-I. [N.O., p. 106]; lapsus calami pro: A. p. ss. ghanensis Hrabě 1966. [N.O.S.S., p. 29]
ghaniae, Hydrilus Qiu et Bouché, 1998; Doc. Pédozool. Intégrol. 4(3): 18; OECO 171/2860/5311.
ghatensis, Drawida Michaelsen, 1910; Abh. Ver. Hamb. 19(5): 52; ZMUH 3596. [N.O., p. 106]
ghatensis, Senapatiella Julka, Blanchart et Chapuis-Lardy, 2004; Zootaxa 486: 8; ZSIS [as HAZFS/ ZSI]
An793, An794.
ghatensis ss. Megascolex travancorensis Michaelsen, 1910; Abh. Ver. Hamb. 19(5): 75; ZSIC 4163.
[N.O., p. 106]
ghatensis var. Notoscolex tenmalai Aiyer, 1929; Rec. Ind. Mus. 31: 56. [N.O., p. 106]
ghilarovi, Drawida Gates, 1969; Zool. Zh. 48(5): 674; ZMUM 37-8. [N.O., p. 106]
ghilarovi, Eophila Malević, 1949; Dolk. Acad. Nauk. SSSR 67: 399; ZMUM 29. [N.O., p. 106]
ghilarovi, Henlea Nurminen, 1980; Ann. Zool. Fenn. 17: 175; HUZM. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
ghilarovi, Pheretima Thai, 1982; Amynthas; Zool. Zh. 61(6): 826; ZMUM. [N.O.S.S., p. 18];
vide T.T. Nguyen, Lam et A.D. Nguyen 2016, Zoological Studies 55: 52 [p.2].^
ghumensis, Plutellus Julka, 1975; Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 51(1): 24; ZSIC 211-4. [N.O., p. 106]
giacobbei, Coralliodrilus Erséus, 1982; Boll. Zool. 49 (3/4): 243; NHRS 3213. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
gianii, Isochaetides P. Rodriguez et Achurra, 2010; Zootaxa 2332: 25; MNCN 16.03/3053, USNM 2052660,
MNCN 16.03/3054, UPV/EHU – 3 paratypi designati sed innumerati.
gianii, Parvidrilus Martínez-Amsemil et Samburgar, 2012; Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 166: 540; MNCN 16.03/3071-2.
giardi, Allolobophora Ribacourt, 1901; Nicodrilus, Aporrectodea; Bull. Soc. Fr. Belg. 35: 211. [N.O., p. 106]
giardi, Desmogaster Horst, 1899; Misc. Biol., p. 293; RNHL 1592. [N.O., p. 106]
gibsoni, Ainudrilus Erséus, 1986; Proc. 2nd Intl. Mar. Biol. Wksp., p. 267; BMNH 1987:3:1, NHRS [as SMNH] 3707. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
giengensis, Metaphire T.T. Nguyen, Lam et A.D. Nguyen, 2022; Zootaxa 5093(4): 487; Holotype: CTU-EW.017.h01; paratypes: CTU-EW.017.p02 (n=12); ZooBank.^
gierei, Olavius Erséus, 1997; Proc. 7th Intl. Mar. Biol. Wksp., p. 431; WAMP [as WAM] 139-96,
NHRS [as SMNH] Type Coll. 4844.
gieseleri, Allolobophora Ude, 1895; Bimastos, Helodrilus; Zool. Anz. 18: 339; ZMUH 3816. [N.O., p. 106];
syntypi quoque locati in MNHU 7309. [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gigachaetus, Mesenchytraeus Xie, 2012; Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 125(1): 18; CASW [as MAO] JLO20080005,
JLO20080006–9; nom. nov. pro Mesenchytraeus megachaetus Shen, Chen et Xie, 2011, non
Mesenchytraeus megachaetus Bretscher, 1901. ^ vide Chen et al., 2024: Zoologica Scripta 53(2): 218–234. ^
gigantea, Achaeta Dósza-Farkas, 2000; Opusc. Zool. Budapest 32: 82; holotypus et paratypi in auctoris
collectione – TIUB A.3, P.72.1–P.72.8.
gigantea, Diporochaeta Benham, 1906; Spenceriella; Trans. N.Z. Inst. 38: 251; OMNZ A.06.92. [N.O., p. 106]
gigantea, Fridericia Dequal, 1912; Boll. Mus. Torino 27(652): 1. [N.O., p. 106]
gigantea, Nais Kessler, 1868; Syezda Russ. Est. 1: 106. [N.O., p. 106]
gigantea f. Hormogaster redii Michaelsen, 1917; Zool. Jb. Syst. 41: 377; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]
giganteus, Glossoscolex Leuckardt, 1835; Notizen Froriep 46: 88. [N.O., p. 106]
giganteus, Kynotus Razafindrakoto, Csuzdi et Blanchart, 2011; Afr. Invert. 52(2): 288; HNHM AF/5513,
AF/5514, ZMMA [as ZMUA]-030.
giganteus, Lumbricus Risso, 1826; Hist. Nat. Eur. Mérid. 4: 426. [N.O., p. 106]
gigantheum ss. Octolasium lacteum Mršić, 1983; Biol. Věstn. 31(2): 56; typus in auctoris collectione.
[N.O.S.S., p. 18]
gigas, Allolobophora Örley, 1885; Ertek. Term. Magyar Akad. 15(18): 25. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas, Anteus Perrier, 1872; Antaeus; N. Arch. Mus. Paris 8: 50; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas, Anteus Horst, 1891; Notes Leyden Mus. 13: 77; vide A. horsti Beddard, 1892. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas, Eutyphoeus Stephenson, 1917; Rec. Ind. Mus. 13: 408; ZSIC 73. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas, Lumbricus Dugès, 1828; Scherotheca; Ann. Sci. Nat. 15: 289; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas, Titanus Perrier, 1881; Arch. Zool. 9: 218; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas, Wasawoia Reynolds, 1973; Proc. 1st Soil Micro. Conf., p. 108; nom. nud. [N.O., p. 106]
gigas f. Chilota africanus barnardi Pickford, 1937; Monogr. Acantho., p. 556; BMNH 1938:7:1:2608–9.
[N.O., pp. 106-107]
gilensis, Rhynchelmis Fend et Brinkhurst, 2000; Hydrobiologia 428(1): 24; USNM 186461-6.
gilita, Eremidrilus Fend et Rodriguez, 2020; Zootaxa 4809(1): 121; Holotype: USNM 1618768;
paratypes: USNM 1618770, 1618769;. MNCN 16.3/3115. ZooBank.^
gillettensis, Enchytraeus Welch, 1914; Bull. Ill. St. Lab. Nat. Hist. 10: 170; USNM 26322, 30853–4.
[N.O., p. 107]
gilva f. Pheretima varellana Michaelsen, 1934; Metaphire; Arch. Zool. Exp. Gén. 76: 512; MNHN 677.
[N.O., p. 107]
gilvus, Amynthas Sun et Qiu, 2016; J. Nat. Hist. 50(39-40): 2503; SNHM C-SC201102-12A,
C-SC201102-12B. ^
gineti, Aeolosoma Juget, 1959; Parvidrilus; Ann: Speleol. 14: 391. [N.O., p. 107]
giniata, Fridericia Springett, 1971; J. Roy. Soc. W. Aust. 54: 1; WAMP. [N.O., p. 107]
giocondoi, Glossoscolex Bartz et James, 2012; Zootaxa 3458: 77; COFM BRPR0020, BRPR0021,
gippslandicus, Cryptodrilus Spencer, 1892; Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. 4: 132; NMVA 57. [N.O., p. 107]
gippslandicus, Notoscolex Fletcher, 1887; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 2: 603. [N.O., p. 107]
girija, Dichogaster James, 1996; Zool. Scr. 25(1): 23; KUNH 01005-6.
gisti, Drawida Michaelsen, 1931; Zool. Jb. Syst. 61: 525; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 107]
gitus, Rhinodrilus Righi, 1971; Arq. Zool. 20: 19; DZSP9. [N.O., p. 107]
giustii, Achaeta Rota, 2015; J. Nat. Hist. 49(33-34): 1996; MCZR Oligochaeta 0176, 0177, 0178;
NHRS [as SMNH] – Types 8721–8722; ZooBank. ^
gjellerupi, Pheretima Cognetti, 1914; Metaphire; Zool. Jb. Syst. 37: 358; RNHL 1843-4. [N.O., p. 107]
glabella, Drawida Y. Chen, 1938; Cont. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China (Zool.) 12: 377. [N.O., p. 107]
glaber, Monophylephorus J. Moore, 1905; Rhyzodrilus; Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 57(2): 377; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 107]
glaber, Teleuscolex Hrabě, 1982; Věstn, Česke. Spol. Zool. 46(3): 187; HOCB 1753-1, 1973-9.
[N.O.S.S., p. 18]
glabra, Diplocardia Gates, 1967; Proc. La. Acad. Sci. 30: 26; LSUM 551, USNM 36136-7,
BMNH 1967:10:2-10, 1970:5:1-9. [N.O., p. 107]
glabra, Henlea Altman, 1936; Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 4(1): 18; UWMS. [lapsus calami N.O., p. 107: 4(1): 59] ^
glabra, Pheretima Gates, 1932; Amynthas; Rec. Ind. Mus. 34: 395; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 107]
glacialis, Lumbricus Leidy, 1885; Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila., p. 408; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 107]
glacialis, Sinenchytraeus Liang et Hsü, 1979; Acta Zootax. Sin. 4(4): 312; DBUN. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
gladiiseta, Rhyacodriloides Martin et Brinkhurst, 2008; Phallobaikalus; Zool. Scripta, 273(3): 201; IRSN
[as I.R.Sc.N.B.] I.G. 28051 (slide no. 95.059.12 spec. c, and slide no. 95.061.17). ^
glamdringi, Metapheretima Easton, 1979; Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.) 35(1): 113; BMNH 1976:3:13–15.
[N.O.S.P., p. 22]
glandifera, Fridericia Friend, 1912; Nott. Trans. Nat. Soc. 59: 40; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 107]
glandifera, Marionina Friend, 1912; Zoologist (4), 16: 225; BMNH 1949:3:1:33. [N.O., p. 107]
glandifera, Perionychella Jamieson, 1974; Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. 26(4): 237; TMHA 283, BMNH 1972:8:9.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandifera, Rhododrilus Jamieson, 1995. Mem. Qd. Mus. 38(2): 575; QMBA 211465, 211478, 211511;
nunc Vesiculodrilus glandiferus glandiferus.
glandis, Pithemera Y. Hong et James, 2011; Raffles Bull. Zool. 59(1): 24; NMAM [as NMA] 4389, 4395,
KUNH [as KUNHM], NIBR, RMBR [as ZRC]; see Blakemore, 2016: Opusc. Zool. Budapest 47(1):
09-30, who assigned Pithemera philippinensis James & Hong, 2004 and Pithemera glandis Hong &
James, 2011, as synonyms of Pithemera bicincta]. ^
glandula, Rhynchelmis Altman, 1936; Rhynchelmoides; Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 4(1): 59; UWMS.
[N.O., p. 107] ^
glandularis, Heterochaeta Yamaguchi, 1953; Haplotaxis; J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. 11: 306. [N.O., p. 107];
lapsus calami pro: glandularis, Heterochaetella Yamaguchi, 1953. [N.O.S.P., p. 31]
glandularis, Perichaeta Goto et Hatai, 1899; Pheretima, Metaphire; Annot. Zool. Japon. 3: 18. [N.O., p. 107]
glandulifera, Henlea Nurminen, 1970; Ann. Zool. Fenn. 7: 202; HUZM. [N.O., p. 107]
glandulifera, Michaelsenia Jansson, 1916; Ark. Zool. 13: 86. [N.O., p. 107]
glandulosa, Fridericia Southern, 1907; Irish Nat. 16: 76. [N.O., p. 107]
glandulosa, Henlea Friend, 1913; Henleanella; J. Roy. Micros. Soc., 1913, p. 270; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandulosa, Perichaeta Rosa, 1896; Amyntas, Pheretima; Ann. Mus. Genova (2), 36: 524; MGDG 44006,
44008, 44031, MZUT 154. [N.O., p. 107]
glandulosa var. Eisenia rosea Friend, 1910; Allolobophora; Gard. Chron. 46: 329; BMNH 1923:12:31:233–40.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandulosa var. Lamprodrilus pygmaeus Michaelsen, 1902; Abh. Ver. Hamb. (3), 9: 46; ZMUH 6560.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandulosus, Analycus Levinsen, 1884; Mesenchytraeus; Vid. Meddel. Nat. Foren. 1883, p. 230.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandulosus, Guaranidrilus Černosvitov, 1937; Ann. Mus. Argent. 39: 145; BMNH 1949:3:1:949-50.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandulosus, Ilyodrilus Friend, 1910; Rept. Notts. Nat. Soc. 59: 38; nom. nud. [N.O., p. 107]
glandulosus, Pachydrilus Michaelsen, 1888; Marionina, Cognettia; Arch. Mikr. Anat. 31: 483; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 107]
glandulosus, Propappus Michaelsen, 1905; Olig. Baikal-Sees, p. 25; BMNH 1949.3.1.226–8 [syntypes],
ZMUH 6600. [lapsus calami – N.O., p. 107: Z. wiss. Zool. 82: 24]
glandulosus, Stochidrilus Martínez-Ansemil, Samburgar et Giani, 1997; Annls. Limnol. 33(1): 39;
MTSN OLI 5 [no paratypes].
glandulosus, Stylodrilus Giani et Martínez-Ansemil, 1984; Ann. Limnol. 20(3): 157; typus in auctoris
collectione. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
glandulosus ss. Bryodrilus ehlersi Dósza-Farkas, 1990; Acta Zool. Hung. 36(3/4): 267; TIUB B.1, P.21.
[N.O.S.T., p. 15]
glandulosus var. Pachydrilus sphagneyorum Michaelsen, 1888; Arch. Mikr. Anat. 31: 490; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 107]
glanningi, Eupolytoreutus Michaelsen, 1915; Zweit. Deut. Afr. Exped. (Zool.) 1(8): 273; ZMUH 8416,
MNHU 3881. [N.O., p. 107]
glareosus ss. Metaphire bununa C-F. Tsai, S-C. Tsai et Liaw, 2000; J. Nat. Hist. 34(9): 1738; TESI 1998-18.
glaucus, Amynthas Azama et Ishizuka, 2018; Edaphologia 103: 27; Holotype: RUMF-ZO-00018; paratypes (n=2): RUMF-ZO-00019, RUMF-ZO-00020.^^
globiferus, Mesenchytraeus Dózsa-Farkas, Nagy, Felföldi et Hong, 2022; Zootaxa 5094(2): 247; Holotype: NIBRIV0000886170 (slide No. 3111a+b+c); Paratypes: NIBRIV0000886171 (slide No. 2910a+b), NIBRIV0000886172 (slide No. 2967); ELTE P.138.1–P.138.12 (slide No. 2879, 2901a,b, 2945a,b, 2968a,b, 3105a-d, 3107a,b, 3109a,b, 3110a,b, 3112a,b, 3113a.b, 3114a-c); P.138.13; ZooBank.^
globosa, Pheretima Y. Hong et James, 2011; Raffles Bull. Zool. 59(1): 23; NMHM [as NMA] 4388, 4394,
globula, Oconnorella J. Chen, Xie et S. He, 2006; Zool. Sci. 23: 920; [MAO] CASW JLO20050022,
globulata, Enchytraeus Bretscher, 1900; Rev. Suisse Zool. 8: 450. [N.O., p. 107]
globulatus, Decimodrilus Dózsa-Farkas, Nagy, Felföldi et Hong, 2019; Zootaxa 4661(2): 390;
NIBRIV0000843111, slide No. 2519; Paratypes (n=19): NIBRIV0000843112, slide No. 2551,
NIBRIV0000843113, slide No. 2533, + P.123.1–P123.7 No. 2534, 2504, 2520, 2526, 2553,
2559, 2560. (No. 2533 = DNA 1224, No. 2534 = DNA 1215). ZooBank. ^
globulatus, Tubifex Friend, 1912; J. Roy. Micros. Soc., 1912, p. 292; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 107]
globuliferus, Enchytraeus Nielsen et Christensen, 1963; Nat. Jutl. 10 (Suppl, 2): 10; MLFD. [N.O., p. 107];
Typus amissus.1
globuligera, Fridericia Rota, 1995; Boll. Zool. 62(2): 207; MCZR OLIGOCHAETA 0023–0025.
glomeriductus, Pectinodrilus Erséus, 1997; Proc. 7th Intl. Mar. Biol. Wksp., p. 417; WAMP [as WAM] 123-96
[no paratypes].
glotini, Vermiculus Ferronnière, 1899; Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest Fr. 9: 250. [N.O., p. 107]
gnu, Eudriloides Michaelsen, 1913; Zoologica 68: 30; ZMUH 7518. [N.O., p. 107]
goddardi, Phreodrilus Brinkhurst, 1966; J. Zool., Lond. 147: 381; nom. nov. pro: Astacopsidrilus notabilis
Goddard, 1909. [N.O., p. 107] ^
godeffroyi, Amyntas Michaelsen, 1899; Pheretima, Pithemera; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 16: 17; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 107]
godeffroyi, Benhamia Michaelsen, 1890; Dichogaster; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 7: 5; ZMUH 284. [N.O., p. 107]
gofaensis, Dichogaster Michaelsen, 1903; Zool. Jb. Syst. 18: 448; MNHU 4125. [N.O., p. 107];
MNHU 4125 (syntypi sicca specimina). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gogensis, Notoscolex Blakemore, 2000; Tasmanian Earthworms, p. 329; QVMA 14: 3776.
gogi, Hickmaniella Blakemore et Kingston, 1997; J. Nat. Hist. 31: 1690; QVMA 14:3328.
gognus, Nicodrilus Bouché, 1972; Inst. Nat. Rech. Agron., p. 342; OECO 72-1407-0431. [N.O., p. 108]
golanensis, Dichogaster Michaelsen, 1913; Zoologica 26: 160; ZMUH 7525. [N.O., p. 108]
golyschkinae, Svetlovia Snimschikova, 1985; Zool. Zh. 64(8): 1148; LILB. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
golyschkinae, Uncinais Akinschina, 1984; Zool. Zh. 63(1): 136; ZIAS 45721-2. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
gomejimensis, Pheretima Ohfuchi, 1937; Amynthas; Res. Bull. Saito Ho-on Kai Mus. 12: 18. [N.O., p. 108]
gongalskyi, Fridericia Degtyarev, 2023; Diversity 2023, 15, 106, p. 4; Holotype: ZMMU 1263; paratypes: ZMMU 1264, 1265; 2 (innumerati) in auctores collectione ((stored in the Laboratory of Soil Ecological Functions at the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).^
gonggrijpi, Thamnodrilus Michaelsen, 1933; Tjdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. 3: 113; ZMUA, ZMUH 11727.
[N.O., p. 108]
gongjuensis, Amynthas Y. Hong, 2002; Rev. Suisse Zool. 109(3): 485; holotypus designatus sed
innumeratus [no paratypes?].
gonzanamanensis, Martiodrilus (Cordilleroscolex) Zicsi et Csuzdi, 1997; Ber. Nat.-Med. Verein Inns. 84: 90;
TIUB AF/3411, 3446.
goodhui, Cernosvitoviella Healy, 1975; Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 56(4): 318; NMID 103.1974. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
goonmurk, Perichaeta Spencer, 1893; Megascolex; Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. 4: 21; NMVA 228. [N.O., p. 108]
gorasi, Pheretima Y. Hong et James, 2009; Zootaxa 2059: 43; NMAM [as NMA] 004321, 004326, KNHM
[as KUNHM] 003015.
gordeevi, Trichodrilus Popchenko, 1978; Hydrobiol. Res. VII, Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR, p. 113; VLSR.
[N.O.S.P., p. 22]
gordejeffi, Allolobophora Michaelsen, 1898; Zool. Jb. Syst. 12: 122; ZMUH 5094; lapsus calami pro:
Michaelsen, 1899 [N.O., p. 108]
gordianus, Lumbricus Templeton, 1836; Mag. Nat. Hist. 9: 235; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 108]
gordioides, Enchytraeus Černosvitov, 1942; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (B), 111 (10): 207.
[lapsus calami pro: ’cordioiles, Enchytraeus’, N.O., p. 90; lapsus calami pro: Černosvitov, ‘1941’, N.O., p. 108]
gordioides, Lumbricus Hartmann, 1821; Haplotaxis, Phreoryctes; N. Alpina 1: 45. [N.O., p. 108]
gordoni, Diporochaeta Blakemore, 2000; Rec. Queen Vict. Mus. 109(1): 10; QMVA 14: 3385, 3386-97.
gordurensis, Glossoscolex Michaelsen, 1917; Zool. Jb. Syst. 41: 276; ZMUH 8626. [N.O., p. 108]
gossensis, Limnodriloides Erséus, 1997; Proc. 7th Intl. Mar. Biol. Wksp., p. 446; WAMP [as WAM] 155-96
[no paratypes].
gotoi, Limnodrilus Hatai, 1899; Annot. Zool. Japon. 3: 5. [N.O., p. 108]; syntypi locati MNHU 3574
(sicca specimina). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gracile, Aeolosoma Stolč, 1903; Rozpr. Česke. Acad. 10( 17): 25. [N.O., p. 108]
gracile, Octolasion Örley, 1885; Ertek. Term. Magyar Akad. 15(18): 18; MNHU 5019. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilentus, Tubifex Peng, Wang et Qui, 2017; Zootaxa 4320(2): 369; CASW [as IHB] XZ20150511a,
XZ20150511b; ZooBank. ^
graciliatriatus, Bathydrilus Erséus, 1979; Zool. Scripta 8(2): 143; BMNH 1978:27:8–16. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
gracilior var. Pheretima alexandri Gates, 1931; Amynthas; Rec. Ind. Mus. 33: 363; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Benhamia Michaelsen, 1892; Dichogaster; Arch. Naturg. 58: 258; MNHU 2169, MNHN 613.
[N.O., p. 108]; MNHU 2169 (holotypus siccum specimen). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gracilis, Dinodrilus Ude, 1905; Conicodrilus, Deinodrilus; Z. wiss. Zool. 83: 491; MNHU 3431. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Diplocardia Gates, 1943; Ohio J. Sci. 43(3): 112; typus perditus. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Drawida Gates, 1925; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9), 16: 660; ZSIC 3087. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Fridericia Bülow, 1957; Kieler Meers. 13: 69. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Limnodrilus Moore, J., 1906; Bull. Bur. Fish. Wash. 25: 169. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Microchaetus Michaelsen, 1907; Ark. Zool. 4(4): 8; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Microscolex Beddard, 1895; Yagansia; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.,1895, p. 234. [N.O., p. 108];
typus locatus in BMNH 1904:10:5:495. [N.O.S.P., p. 31]
gracilis, Nais Leidy, 1850; Slavina; J. Acad. Phila. (2),2: 43; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Neumanniella Michaelsen, 1903; Neumanniona; Zool. Jb. Syst. 18: 509; MNHU 4153-4,
ZMUH 6283. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Nitocris Kinberg, 1867; Pheretima, Amynthas; Öfv. Akad. Förh. 23: 102; NHRS 1944. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Pachydrilus Czerniavsky, 1880; Bull. Soc. Mosc. 55(4): 315. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Perichaeta Fletcher, 1886; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales l: 958. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Pleurochaeta Bourne, 1887; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1887, p. 666. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Polytoreutus Michaelsen, 1907; Sjöstedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Exped. 22(1): 6; ZMUH 6955.
[N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Pontodrilus Gates, 1943; Ohio J. Sci. 43(3): 100; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis, Stuhlmannia Michaelsen, 1896; D.-O. Afr. 4: 23; MNHU 2442. [N.O., p. 108]; MNHU 2442
(syntypi perditi). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gracilis, Stylodrilus Semernoy, 2004; Oligochaeta of Lake Baikal, p. 367; holotypus No. 928 in auctoris
gracilis, Thatonia Gates, 1942; Bull. Mus. Compo Zool. 89(3): 101; TTRS. [N.O., p. 108]; syntypus
translatus as USNM 136926 (= TTRS). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gracilis, Vesiculodrilus Blakemore, 2000; Tasmanian Earthworms, p. 110; QVMA 14: 0115, 3546, 0112, 3548.
gracilis var. Bimastos eiseni Friend, 1911; Zoologists (4),15: 368; nom. nud. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilis var. Mesenchytraeus fontinalis Eisen, 1905; Harriman Alaska Exped. 12: 54; CASF. [N.O., p. 108]
gracilisetosus, Nootkadrilus Baker, 1982; Can. J. Zool. 60(10): 2494; NMNS 1982.0551-5,
USNM 72999-3001. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
graciosa, Allolobophora Perel, 1977; Zool. Zh. 56(4): 498; ZMUM. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
gradinescui, Octolasium Pop, 1938; Bull. Soc. Sti. Cluj 9: 151; MZCR, BMNH 1949:3:1:639-42. [N.O., p. 108]
graeca var. Dendrobaena samarigera Černosvitov, 1938; Zool. Anz. 123(7/8): 197. [N.O., p. 108];
Zool. Anz. 123(7/8): 191; lapsus calami pro: 123(7/9): 197. [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
graeca f. Dendrobaena schelkovnikovi Omodeo, 1955; Ann. Ist. Zool. Univ. Napoli 7: 8; NSNV 14.
[N.O., p. 108]
graefei, Marionina Koßmagk-Stephan, 1983; Mikro. Meers. 0(89): 19; ZMUH OL.13270-1.
graffi, Allolobophora Bouché, 1972; Inst. Nat. Rech. Agron., p. 433; OECO 85-650-2221. [N.O., p. 108]
graffi, Andiodrilus Zicsi, 1993; Acta Zool. Hung. 39(1-4): 333; TIUB AF/2302.
graffi, Dichogaster Csuzdi et Zicsi, 1989; Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 86: 146; TIUB AF1799. [
N.O.S.T., p. 15]
graffi ss. Dendrobaena alpina Easton, 1983; Earthworm Ecology, p. 478; nom. nov. pro: Allolobophora
rosea lusitana Graff, 1957 non Dendrobaena lusitana Graff, 1957; vide N.O., p. 130. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grahami, Drawida Gates, 1935; Smithson. Misc. Coll. 93(3): 3; USNM 20093. [N.O., p. 108]
grahami, Pheretima Gates, 1935; Metaphire; Smithson. Misc. Coll. 93(3): 9; USNM 20100. [N.O., p. 108]
graingei, Stylodrilus Brinkhurst, 1964; Arch. Hydrobiol. 60(4): 405; nom. nud. [N.O., p. 108]
grandiculus, Marcusaedrilus Erséus, 1983; Zool. Scripta 12(1): 29; QMBA GH.850-2. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandipapillata, Pheretima Thai, 1982; Zool. Zh. 61(6): 827; ZMUM. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandipenes, Metaphire Bantaowong et Panha, 2011; Trop. Nat. Hist. 11(1): 65; CMUZ 3213, 3214,
ZMUH [as UHH] 2 paratypi designati sed innumerati, BMNH [as NHM] 2 paratypi designati sed innumerati.
grandis, Diporochaeta Spencer, 1900; Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. 13: 63; NMVA 184. [N.O., p. 108]
grandis, Eisenia Michaelsen, 1907; Allolobophora; Mitt. Kauk. Mus. 3(2-3): 87; ZMUH 6956. [N.O., p. 108]
grandis, Eudriloides Zicsi, 1997; Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 94: 53; TIUB AF/3327, 3165.
grandis, Eutrigaster Sims, 1987; J. Nat. Hist. 21(2): 434; BMNH 1986:2:582–7. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandis, Martiodrilus (Maipure) Zicsi, 2001; Opsuc. Zool. Budapest 33: 120; TIUB AF/3413, AF/3925,
AF/3902, AF/3947, AF/1015.
grandis, Mesenchytraeus Eisen; 1905; Harriman Alaska Exped. 12: 44; typus perditus. [N.O., p. 108]
grandis, Moniligaster Bourne, 1894; Quart. J. Micros. Sci. (n.s.) 36: 307; BMNH 1895:9:3:1,
UMOU 1577-8, 1659. [N.O., p. 108]
grandis, Notoscolex Fletcher, 1887; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 1:551; AMSS 1493–4. [N.O., p. 108]
grandis, Tykonus Michaelsen, 1892; Glossoscolex; Arch. Naturg. 58(1): 212. [N.O., p. 108]; holotypus
locatus MNHU 446. [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
grandis, Waspa Harman, 1977; Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 90(3): 483; USNM 53712–3, LSUM 1801.
[N.O.S.P., p. 22]
grandis, Yagansia Zicsi, 1993; Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 90: 170; TIUB AF/2394, 1113.
grandis ss. Tubifex bazikalouae Snimschikova, 1985; Biakalian Fauna, Novosibirsk 1: 39; typus non
designatus. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandiseta f. Tubifex tubifex P. Rodriguez, 1986; Munibe (Ciên. Nat.) 38: 79; typus in auctoris collectione.
[N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandisetosa, Pheretima Thai, 1996; J. Biol. (Vietnam) 18(1): 3; CRSO 1A, IA.
grandisetosum, Bothrioneurum H-Z. Wang, Xie et Liang, 2000; Spec. Div. 5: 7; CASW [as CAS] – holotypus et 25 paratypi designati sed innumerati.^
grandisetosus, Chaetogaster Semernoy, 1985; Biakalian Fauna, Novosibirsk 1: 28; ZIAS 43360.
[N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandisetosus, Limnodrilus Nomura, 1932; Sci. Rept. Tôhoku Univ. (4), 7: 511. [N.O., p. 108]
grandisetosus, Nootkadrilus Baker, 1982; Can. J. Zool. 60(10): 2493; NMNH 1982.0556-8, USNM 72998.
[N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grandiverticulata, Metaphire T.T. Nguyen & Lam, 2017; Tap chi Sinh hoc 39(4): 410;
Holotype: CTU-EW.089.h01); paratypes: CTU-EW.089.p02; ZooBank.^
granifer, Phallodrilus Erséus, 1990; Proc. 3rd Intl. Mar. Biol. Wksp. 1: 54; WAMP [as WAM] 10-89, 11-89,
12-89, NHRS [as SMNH] Type coll. 3263. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]. ^
granosa, Fridericia Schmelz, 2003; Abhandl. Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg (NF) 38: 202;
ZMUH [as ZIM] OL 14203, OL 14204.
granulocyta, Fridericia Dózsa-Farkas, Feldföldi et Y. Hong, 2015; Zootaxa 4006(1): 184; NIBR
NIBRIV0000320523 (slide No. 1094), NIBRIV0000320524 (slide No. 2026); TIUB P.106.1–5 (slides No.
2007–2010, 2016), P.106.6–106.8 (slides 2024, 2025, 2027); ZooBank. ^
granulothecus, Uniporodrilus Erséus, 1979; Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 98(3): 415; USNM 56307–9.
[N.O.S.P., p. 22]
granuensis, Rhynchelmis Hrabě, 1962; Publ. Fak. Sci. Univ. Brno, no. 435, p. 321; HOCB 1440-1.
[N.O., p. 109]
granviki, Ocnerodrilus Michaelsen, 1921; Ilyogenia; Ark. Zool. 14(6): 7; NHRS 1954, ZMUH 9145.
[N.O., p. 109]
grasslei, Phallodrilus Erséus, 1984; Zool. Scripta 13(2): 101; USNM 96493–5. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
grata, Pheretima Cognetti, 1914; Metapheretima; Zool. Jb. Syst. 37: 362; RHNL 1819. [N.O., p. 109]
gratus, Hrabeus Semernoy, 2004; Oligochaeta of Lake Baikal, p. 184; holotypus in auctoris collectione,
No. 341.
graueri, Eupolytoreutus Michaelsen, 1910; Ergeb. 2te D. Zent. Afr. Exped. (Zool.) 3(1): 76; MNHU 4780.
[N.O., p. 109]; MNHU 4780 (syntypus perditus). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
gravelyi, Aulophorus Stephenson, 1925; Rec. Ind. Mus. 27: 46; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
gravelyi, Comarodrilus Stephenson, 1915; Mem. Ind. Mus. 6: 69; ZSIC 6591. [N.O., p. 109]
gravelyi, Notoscolex Stephenson, 1916; Rec. Ind. Mus. 12: 325; ZSIC 6559. [N.O., p. 109]
gravelyi, Perionyx Stephenson, 1917; Rec. Ind. Mus. 13: 378; ZSIC 79. [N.O., p. 109]
gravelyi var. Moniligaster deshayesi Stephenson, 1915; Mem. Ind. Mus. 6: 59; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
gravida ss. Diplocardia alba Gates, 1977; Megadrilogica 3(1): 30; TTRS. [N.O.S.P., p. 22];
typi translati ad USNM.
gravidus, Heronidrilus Erséus, 1990; Zool. Scripta 19(3): 248; USNM 127661–5. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gravis, Pheretima Y. Chen, 1946; Amynthas; J. W. China Border Res. Soc. 16: 129. [N.O., p. 109]
gravis, Thamnodrilus Cognetti, 1904; Rhinodrilus; Boll. Mus. Torino 19(474): 12; MZUT 430. [N.O., p. 109]
gravus, Maoridrilus K. Lee, 1959; Bull. N.Z. Dept. Sci. Industr. Res., no. 130: 203; DMNZ. [N.O., p. 109]
gravus, Sylvodrilus K. Lee, 1959; Bull. N.Z. Dept. Sci. Industr. Res., no. 130: 181; SBNZ. [N.O., p. 109]
grawerti, Pygmaeodrilus Michaelsen, 1910; Ergeb. 2te D. Zent. Afr. Exped. (Zool.) 3(1): 44; MNHU 4748.
[N.O., p. 109]; MNHU 4748 (syntypus perditus). [N.O.S.T., p. 24]
grebnizkyi, Mesenchytraeus Michaelsen, 1903; Bull. Acad. St.-Pétersb. 15: 199; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 109]
grecoi, Glossoscolex Righi et Lobo, 1979; Rev. Brasil. Biol. 39(4): 947; DZSP 452-4. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
greeffi, Dichogaster Michaelsen, [1902] 1903; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 19: 20; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109];
Note: Dichogaster (Dichogaster) thomeana Cognetti, 1910 was removed from synonymy of Dichogaster
Dichogaster) greeffi Michaelsen, 1902 (see Csuzdi 2005 – J. Nat. Hist. 39(33): 3039-3058] ^
greeffi, Nais Floericke, 1892; Zool. Anz. 15:469. [N.O., p. 109]
greeni, Anisochaeta Blakemore, 2000; Tasmanian Earthworms, p. 460; QVMA 14: 3668, TMHA 382-3,
BGMJ:1973:2:48-52; Megascolex montisarthuri (part.) Jamieson, 1974.
gregorianus, Polytoreutus Beddard, 1895; Monogr. Oligo., p. 612; BMNH 1904:10:5:438. [N.O., p. 109]
griffini, Guineoscolex Csuzdi, 1995; Opusc. Zool. Hung. 27-28(1): 29; BMNH 1995:4:24:95,
griffithae, Tassiedrilus Blakemore, 2000; Tasmanian Earthworms, p. 307; QVMA 14: 3641.
grimmi, Ilyodrilus Hrabě, 1950; Acta Sci. Nat. Moravo-Siles. 23(9): 289; HOCB 851-32-XI. [N.O., p. 109]
griphus, Microchaetus Plisko, 2002; Afr. Invert. 43: 205; NMSA Olig.02752, Olig.03545.
grisea, Marionina Stephenson, 1932; Disc. Rept. 4: 243; BMNH 1931:6:23:95. [N.O., p. 109]; vide Klinth, Rota, Martinsson, Prantoni et Erséus (2021): Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 20: 1–31.^
griseum, Derostoma Dugès, 1830; Ann. Sci. Nat. 21: 76; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
griseus, Aptodrilus Zicsi, 1997; Opusc. Zool. Budapest 31-33: 162; TIUB AF/2138-84.
griseus, Enchytraeus Stephenson, 1932; Lumbricillus; Disc. Rept. 4: 260; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
griseus, Glossodrilus Zicsi et Martinez, 1994; Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 89(2): 57; TIUB AF/2438,
2414, 2416.
griseus, Microchaetus Michaelsen, 1902; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 19: 33; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
griseus, Microscolex Beddard, 1895; Yagansia; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 228; MNHU 2860, 7419,
MZUT 213. [N.O., p. 109]; typus quoque locatus in BMNH 1904:10:5:496. [N.O.S.P., p. 31]
griseus, Nemertodrilus Michaelsen, 1890; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 7: 17; MNHU 1916. [N.O., p. 109]; typi locati in
BMNH 1904:10:5:959–61. [N.O.S.P., p. 31]; MNHU 1916 (syntypus perditus). [N.O.S.T., p. 25]
griseus, Wasawoia Reynolds, 1973; Proc. 1st Soil Micro. Conf., p. 108; nom. nud. [N.O., p. 109]
grmecensis, Dendrobaena Mršić, 1991; Monogr. Earthworms Balkans II, p. 593; typus in auctoris
collectione 4067. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
groenlandica, Henlea Černosvitov, 1929; Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. (2), 1: 146; MNHN. [N.O., p. 109]
groenlandicus, Mesenchytraeus Nielsen. et Christensen, 1959; Nat. Jutl. 8-9: 31; nom. nov. pro:
Analycus flavus Levinsen, 1884 sensu Černosvitov, 1931. [N.O., p. 109]
grossa, Perichaeta Goto et Hatai, 1898; Amyntas, Pheretima; Annot. Zool. Japon. 2: 75. [N.O., p. 109]
grossum, Derostoma Dugès, 1830; Ann. Sci. Nat. 21: 76; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
grubei, Lycodrilus Michaelsen, 1905; Limnodrilus; Oligo. Baikal-Sees 1: 20; ZMUH 6596. [N.O., p. 109]
grubei, Perichaeta Rosa, 1891: Amyntas, Pheretima; Ann. Mus. Wien 6: 395. [N.O., p. 109]
grubei, Teleuscolex Michaelsen, 1901; Lamprodrilus; Izv. Imp. Akad. Nauk. 15: 173; typus amissus.
[N.O., p. 109]
gruenewaldi, Perionyx Michaelsen, 1891; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 8: 33; RNHL, MNHU 1914. [N.O., p. 109]
gryps, Vesiculodrilus Blakemore, 2000; Tasmanian Earthworms, p. 112; QVMA 14: 3734, 3735.
guadeloupensis, Dichogaster James, 1996; Zool. Scr. 25(1): 29; KUNH 01009-10.
guahibo, Glossodrilus Righi et Molina, 1994; Rev. Suisse Zool. 101(2): 306; DZSP ZU-1279A-B,
MHNG 987.483-4.
guamais, Eukerria Righi, 1971; Pap. Avul. Zool. 25: 2; DZSP 125. [N.O., p. 109]
guamo, Andiorrhinus Righi, 1989; Rev. Bras. Biol. 49(4): 1067; DZSP ZU-1222. [N.O.S.T., p. 15]
guanivora, Villersia Omodeo, 1987; Hydrobiologia 115:5; MCZR. (= Haplolumbriculus insectivorus
Omodeo, 1958; nom. nud., vide N.O., p. 117) [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
guarini, Perichaeta Rosa, 1894; Amyntas, Pheretima; Atti Acad. Torino 29: 13; MZUT 155. [N.O., p. 109]
guatemalae, Benhamia Eisen, 1900; Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (3rd series) 2: 219; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
guatemalae, Henlea Eisen, 1905; Harriman Alaska Exped. 12: 102; CASF. [N.O., p. 109]
guatemalae, Ocnerodrilus Eisen, 1893; Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2nd series) 3: 249; BMNH 1904:10:5:219–22.
[N.O., p. 109]
guatemalana, Ramiellona Gates, 1962; Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4th series) 31(8): 195; CASF 66.
[N.O., p. 109]
guatemalensis, Sparganophilus Eisen, 1896; Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2(5): 167; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 109]
guayaramerinensis, Periscolex Zicsi et Csuzdi, 1999; Senck. Biol. 78(1/2): 131; TIUB AF/3405, 2257, 2258.
gucheonensis, Pheretima Song et Paik, 1970; Korean J. Zool. 13: 106; KNUK. [N.O., p. 109]
gudariensis, Honshudrilus Ohtaka, Fend et Torii, 2020; Zoosymposia 17: 25; NSMT-An 526;
paratypes: NSMT-An 527–529, USNM 1610892–1610894; ZooBank. ^
guetare, Dichogaster Righi et Merino, 1987; Rev. Brasil. Biol. 47(4): 540; DZSP 108A–D. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
guianicus, Meroscolex Černosvitov, 1934; Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. (2), 6: 47; MNHN, BMNH 1949:3:1:1256.
[N.O., p. 109]
guianomeridionalis, Urobenus Bartz et Decaëns, 2024; Zoosystema 46 (9): 221; Holotype: MNHN BOLD Sample ID: EW-MI15-0078; paratypes: CEFE BOLD Sample ID: EW-MI15-0218, EW-MI15-0219; CEFE BOLD Sample ID: EWMI15-0106; MNHN BOLD Sample ID: EW-MI15-0084; MNHN BOLD Sample ID: EW-MI15-0019; MNHN MNHN BOLD Sample ID: EW-MI15-0262.^
guildingi, Lumbricus Baird, 1873; J. Linn. Soc. 11: 96; BMNH 1839:12:26:28. [N.O., p. 109]
guillelmi, Perichaeta Michaelsen, 1895; Amyntas, Pheretima; Abh. Ver. Hamb. 18: 32;
BMNH 1903:4:28:18–19, MNHU 2865, 7433, MZUT 173. [N.O., p. 109]
guilliamus, Parachilota Pickford, 1937; Monogr. Acantho., p. 327. [N.O., p. 109]
guineanus, Hemiechytraeus Omodeo, 1958; Mém. lnst. Franç. Afr. N. 53: 1. [N.O., p. 109]
guipuzcoana, Scherotheca Bouché, 1979; Doc. Pedozool. 1(1): 91; OECO 102-1922-0701. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
guizhouensis, Metaphire Qiu, Y. Hong et Wei, 1991; Guizhou Sci. 9(3): 222; IBGC GZ-K00I71F, GZ-K0073E.
[N.O.S.T., p. 15]
gulielmi, Thamnodrilus Beddard, 1887; Rhinodrilus, Anteus; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1887, p. 154;
BMNH 1904:10:5:273–280, ZMUH 12598. [N.O., p. 110]
gulosus, Chaetogaster Leidy, 1852; Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 5: 124; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 110]
gundarshola, Troyia Jamieson, 1977; Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. (3), No. 450, Zool. 313: 494; MNHN 336,
BGMJ 1976.5.12. [N.O.S.P., p. 22]
gunningi, Kerria Michaelsen, 1913; Eukerria; Zoologica 68: 1; ZMUH 7490. [N.O., p. 110]
guntheri, Microchaetus Pickford, 1975; Kazimierzus; Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. 46: 37;
USNM 53097–99. [N.O., p. 110]
gurupi, Righiodrilus Hernández-García, Rousseau et James, 2017; Zootaxa 4242(2): 393;
MPEG.ANL 000286, MPEG.ANL 000294, MPEG.ANL 000290, MPEG.ANL 000287, MPEG.ANL 000288,
MPEG.ANL 000289, MPEG.ANL 000291, MPEG.ANL 000292, MPEG.ANL 000296, MPEG.ANL 000295. ^
gurwitschi, Limnodriloides Hrabě, 1971; Thalassodrilus; Věstn. Česke. Spol. Zool. 35: 38; HOCB 1806-3-VI.
[N.O., p. 110]; Věstn. Česke. Spol. Zool. 35: 1; lapsus calami pro: 35: 33. [N.O.S.S., p. 29]
guryeensis, Drawida Y. Hong, 2002; Rev. Suisse Zool. 109(3): 376; holotypus et 3 paratypi designati
sed innumerati.
gusevi, Bratislavia Gusakov, 2021; Zootaxa 5082(4): 359; Holotype: ZIAS slide inventory no. 1/48237; paratypes (n=2): PIBR slides no. 121, 413.^
gustavsoni, Inanidrilus Erséus, 1984; Zool. Scripta 13(4): 245; USNM 96527-31. [N.O.S.S., p. 18]
gustafsoni, Rhynchelmis Fend et Brinkhurst, 2000; Hydrobiologia 428(1): 18; USNM 186444–50.
gutierrezi, Quimbaya Zicsi et Martinez, 2002; Ber. Nat.-Med. Verein Inns. 89: 114; TIUB AF/3475,
guttata var. Dichogaster inermis Michaelsen, 1913; Zoologica 26: 166; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 110]
guyanae, Kathrynella Omodeo, 1996; Hydrobiologia 334(1): 12; ROMT [as ROMIZ] I3234–36.
guttulata, Marionina Bretscher, 1901; Rev. Suisse Zool. 9: 209. [N.O., p. 110]
gwaliorensis, Nais Stephenson, 1920; Allonais; Mem. Ind. Mus. 7: 198; typus amissus. [N.O., p. 110]
gwongorellae, Digaster Jamieson, 1972; Mem. Qd. Mus. 16(2): 261; QMBA 6360-1. [N.O., p. 110]
gyeryongensis, Amynthas Y. Hong, 2002; Rev. Suisse Zool. 109(3): 484; holotypus et 5 paratypi designati
sed innumerati.
gyneongriae, Amynthas Y. Hong et James, 2013; Zootaxa 3646(1): 77; NIBR IV0000261340, IV0000261341.
gypsatus, Eudriloides Michaelsen, 1890; Mitt. Mus. Hamb. 7: 23; ZMUH 215, MNHU 1918. [N.O., p. 110]
gyromonodactyla, Fridericia Boros et Dózsa-Farkas, 2015; Zootaxa 3911(3): 363; TIUB F.20 (slide
No. 1019); P.97.1–6 (slides No. 1010, 1011, 1016–1018, 1023; P.97.12–13 (slides No. 1031–1032);
P.97.7–11 (slides No. 1020, 1026, 1030, 1035, 1049). ^
1 For taxon accounts listed above that are followed by the superscripted term, Typus amissus1;
VIDE information associated with MLFD as listed on the Index Museorum page.